NKS is Native Instruments’ extended plug-in format that opens up the KOMPLETE KONTROL system. KOMPLETE KONTROL continues its evolution with Native KONTROL STANDARD (NKS). Watch scales, chords and arpeggios light up across KOMPLETE KONTROL’s Light Guide, see the color of your sounds in MASCHINE directly on the keyboards, and get perfectly mapped parameters instantly with Native Map. Press browse on your KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard and the KOMPLETE Browser pops up on your computer screen, letting you select and load a sound directly into a sound slot in MASCHINE. MASCHINE 2 gives you full keyboard functionality within the MASCHINE environment. What’s more, the output of the arpeggiator is recorded into the Pattern Editor-perfect for post-performance editing. Use the arpeggiator in combination with Scale and Chord Modes and get polyphonic performances from just one key-always in tune. Play any number of notes and let MASCHINE turn them into a melodic pattern. MASCHINE 2 extends Note Repeat into a fully functional arpeggiator. Engage Chord Mode and play chords directly into your compositions. Simply select your scale and start playing melodies on MASCHINE’s 16 ultrasensitive pads that are always in key. MASCHINE 2 extends Keyboard Mode with a new scale and chord engine-fully integrated into the MASCHINE workflow. Get ready for the most responsive, fluid and musical beatmaking experience ever.

Improved browsing, arranging and sampling, plus a new mixer, plug-in strip and exclusive drum synths. The included MASCHINE 2 software is exploding with cutting-edge technology. And eight display knobs automatically map to key instrument parameters for on-the-fly, two-handed tweaking and sound shaping. Dedicated group buttons and a master push encoder deliver hands-on control of sounds and key parameters.

MASCHINE’s multi-color pads provide ultimate feel in the thick of the beat. MASCHINE lets you effortlessly produce beats, melodies and harmonies with powerful drum synths, premium sounds, an integrated sampler and more-cutting-edge software meets intuitive hardware for ultrasmooth workflow. We are currently conducting systematic tests with Windows 11 in order to offer full compatibility of our soft- and hardware products as soon as possible.MASCHINE MK2 is the second edition of Native Instruments' highly respected groove production system, and it comes stacked with numerous enhanced workflow improvements for an even more intuitive experience and faster performance.

The following table shows which hardware products are supported on Windows 11. * The KOMPLETE EFFECTS are: Driver, Premium Tube Series (Enhanced EQ, Passive EQ, Vari Comp), Reverb Classics (RC24, RC48), Solid Mix Series (Solid Bus Comp, Solid EQ, Solid Dynamics), Vintage Compressors (VC 160, VC 2A, VC 76), Supercharger, Supercharger GT, Transient Master. The following products are supported on Windows 11: Software Product